Holiday and Special Occasion PowerPoint Graphics
Check out PresentationPRO’s collection of PowerPoint graphics, holiday images, and other high-quality designs, perfect for any presentation. Over 2 Million downloads and counting.
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Starburst Blue PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Starburst Gold PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
American Flag PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Starsilver PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Starburst Green PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Starburst Purple PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Spider Blue PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Pumpkin 01 PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Heart Broken PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Tomb Stone PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Star Of David PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Hearts Broken PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Pumpkin 03 PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Spider Purple PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Spider Red PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Pumpkin 02 PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
Spider Green PowerPoint GraphicEnlarge
 the Holiday and Special Occasion designs category is just one piece of the PowerDESIGNS library. The PowerDESIGNS package offers you over 25,000 professionally designed PowerPoint templates, 3D graphics and icon images for use in your presentation slides.
PowerDESIGNS offers a variety of PowerPoint templates, presentation slide designs and backgrounds to fit any presentation. Use the Keyword search to look up specific template topics and themes or try a generic abstract design that will complement any powerpoint presentation. We are confident that you will find a template design that works for you. The PowerDESIGNS template library is updated every month with designs chosen by our customers. If you have a suggestion for a new templaten or graphic, send it to us at [email protected].
System Requirements
PowerPoint 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 365
Windows & Mac Compatible