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A powerful new AI to help BOOST your presentations in seconds!

Add the power of AI to your presentations!

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Improve your presentations with your own personal AI assistant. It is free to signup for early access to this easy to use powerful tool! Get early access to a new AI-Powered presentation assistant from AIPresentationBoost. Whether you're short on time or inspiration, bring the power of AI to help you create meaningful content and BOOST your slides in seconds.

How can AI help my PowerPoint presentation?

  Just tell it your topic and a brief description. AI will do the rest.
  AI will suggest images to add to your slides
  You can add or change the text in your slides
  You can change the tone and style of your writing
  Expand on your ideas
 Add clarity and focus to your content

ai powered presentation assistant

Learn more about AI for presentations


ai delivers royalty free images
AI recommends royalty free images for your slides

Looking for some quick recommendations for artwork to add to your slides? AI can do that! Along with some recommendations for writing tips, you can get recommended images to add, royalty free. AI presentation Assistant does not make any changes to your presentations or replace your preferred software. What you get is simply what you want. Recommendations for text changes and artwork that best supports your topic.


AI that writes like you do

When you generate content, you control the style and tone of the writing. Set the style of your slides. Style changes the sentence structure, the grammar and word choice. You can set concise, creative, descriptive, narrative, active voice, reflective or personal.

You also control the tone of your presentation. The tone refers to the attitude. Choose how you want the writing in your slides to be expressed, you can make it friendly, formal, assertive, encouraging, optimistic, proffesional, excited or relaxed.

ai powered presentation assistant writes for you


Get your AI Assistant for FREE

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Download the best PowerPoint templates, backgrounds, graphics, diagrams, infographics and plugins for Microsoft® PowerPoint® from PresentationPro.
PresentationPro was started in 1993 in Atlanta, GA building high end custom presentations for some of the world's largest and most successful companies. Now we bring that same level of quality to every PowerPoint user. We offer the best templates, animated templates, background themes, presentations and add-ins for any business or personal presentation so everyone can look like a PowerPoint master. All of our designs and add-ins at PresentationPro are compatible with Microsoft Office PowerPoint and built by our own PowerPoint experts.

Microsoft, PowerPoint, and the Office logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks shown by PresentationPro are properties of their respective owners.