Financial - Accounting
Animated PowerPoint Templates
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Animated Screens
Animated PowerPoint templateProfessional
Financial - Accounting
PPT theme backgroundDetailsPowerPoint Templates Pack
Financial - Accounting
Format: .POT/.POTX
Aspect Ratio: Standard (4 x 3)
Works with
Express PowerPoint plugin
Royalty free design
Compatibility: PowerPoint 2007 and up on PC and Mac
3rd Party Compatibility: Keynote, Google Slides, Open Office
Tags:Screens Animated PowerPoint Templates, Animated Screens PowerPoint Template, Screens PPT, POT, POTX, Financial - Accounting Animated PowerPoint Templates, background, theme, Microsoft Office, 2007, 2010, animation, presentation, animated, animation, motion, movement, moving, advancement, analysis, bonds, business, chart, commerce, commercial, company, conglomerate, corporate, corporation, decrease, development, diagram, direction, dollar, economic, economics, economy, enterprise, finance, financial, focus, funding, funds, graph, growing, growth, imrprovement, increase, industry, investment, losses, magnifying, market, monetary, monitoring, newspaper, profits, progress, report, research, revenue, review, rise, fall, sales, shareholders, shares, spotlight, stock, study, survey, trade, trading, trend, turnover, venture, visual, zoom

Animated Screens
PowerPoint template is professionally designed with high-res pictures in the background of the Slide Master. The
Animated Screens
theme contains embedded background photos and video elements across multiple title and text slide layouts and will make your presentation stand out. This design looks best in presentations set to a standard screen slide size (4 x 3 aspect ratio). Animated PowerPoint templates are fully compatible with PowerPoint 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019 / 365 and work on PC and Mac. This animated design is also compatible with Google Slides, Open Office, Keynote and more.
Learn more about the Templates Package
with over 10,000 artistic designs like this one. The
Best presentation templates and backgrounds
are here.
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System Requirements
PowerPoint 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 365
Windows & Mac Compatible