Power Presentations
Organizational Charts Fully editable, complete PowerPoint presentation.Unlock Full Access starting at only $49
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Format: .PPT/.PPTX
Size: 16 x 9, 4 x 3
Royalty free design 659
All slides included in this presentation
This professionally designed PowerPoint presentation is compatible with PowerPoint 2010 and up. The design includes light and dark designs in 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratios. There are also dozens of additional slide layouts, a customized color palette, animations, transitions, and enhancements to text boxes and layouts to help you and improve your presentation. The various text slide designs can be interchanged to give more room for charts and graphs and for printing pages in your presentation. For more information on Power Presentations click here
System Requirements
PowerPoint 2010 and up
Google Slides Docs
Windows & Mac Compatible